Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter Pictures

We took a trip to NY for Easter to see Mom's family and friends. I got to meet a lot of new people and family for the first time. Its was a great trip that didn't last long enough. We arrived home and met G3, PawPaw and Cousin JoJo at the airport. They were in town to stay with me during the day while Andrea (my Nanny) went out of town.

Dad and Mom forgot to inform PawPaw and G3 about 2 minor details before they left for work.

1. I am mobile! Yep, crawling everywhere!

2. I am teething!

It was rough having to crawl everywhere I needed to go while cutting teeth. I made sure I let everyone know what was going on! Actually, I believe I am cutting two teeth. I guess it's best to get them over with all at once!

Enjoy a few pics...

My Easter Hat

This picture looks very similar to another one...

AT, New Hampshire - 2002


Cousins Rule!! They even share their Easter eggs!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

Happy Easter everyone! We hope everyone has a great weekend full of egg hunts, egg fights, egg drops, painting eggs and whatever else you decide to do with eggs. Mom and Dad decided to hide a few in the front yard and left me out there to find them. It was pretty easy! Enjoy a few photos and have a great weekend!!

It was kind of hard to lug this basket around!

Got one!

A little kiss...

...and into the basket.

Now what Mom?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mirror Lake Movie

So I had some spare time and used it to make another crazy movie from my trip to Oregon. It was great to get away for a day and feel like a kid in world of white fluffy stuff. For those of you in North Carolina who don't know what white fluffy stuff's called snow.

Maya is getting very good at the army crawl so be on the lookout for a "Gone Mobile" video soon.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Backpack Carriers

Mom decided to buy 2 new baby carriers to help haul me around now that I can ride on the back. Today we went for a walk around the 'hood to test them out and I have to say I really had a good time. I must admit it's kind of nice being hauled around so much. This whole walking thing is going to be a change.

On another note, Mom saw me do the half crawl last night while Dad was cooking. I have been up on all 4's since December but have yet to take that first step towards crawling. I can move my knees but I just can't seem to get the arms moving. Well, last night I did what I would call a half crawl. I moved one of my arms, one of my legs, and then tried for the others but just couldn't muster up enough energy. I should have it down real soon and I'm sure we'll put some video up to show the world.

Enjoy some of our latest pics,

Ergo Baby Carrier

Yamo Baby Carrier

My best attempt at looking like Uncle Pooty

Show me the money!

I came down with another fever and a runny nose so I have been resting a lot the past few days (and then up all night!) I may be teething since I have a little fever but it may also be a little cold?

Out like a light in Dad's lap!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mirror Lake, Mt Hood Oregon

Dad here...So I am off on another business trip this week. This time I'm headed to Portland Oregon for a week long meeting. Since I was flying all the way to the west coast I took advantage of the free trip to see some good Peace Corps friends. Thanks to Amy and Adam for hosting me and to Alison, Dave and Micah (pictured above) for driving down from Seattle to have breakfast with me. Micah is 2 months old and was so eager to meet Maya...maybe someday soon!

Adam and I headed up to Mt Hood after breakfast for a hike up to Mirror Lake. It was supposed to be a 3 mile hike but it must have been close to 6. The Northeast has been smothered with tons of snow this year (much more than average) and so the trail was very hard to follow. With so many people snowshoeing and skiing it was hard to tell which tracks to follow. Since we couldn't seem to find the right trail we just started hiking up. We put ourselves in some really scary predicaments where one slip would have sent us falling hundreds of feet. Not sure how I made it through some of the situations. I wish I had a few pictures of some of the areas but I was too nervous to even think about getting the camera out. Mirror lake was so beautiful once we found it and the view of Mt Hood we spectacular!! I took some video and more pictures that I will put together down the road.

WOW, that's a lot of snow! You can't even read the trailhead sign.

Adam getting a little nervous over a semi-sketchy area. It's a lot steeper than the angle shows.

Sitting atop the marsh at Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake with Mt Hood in the background.

New Seat For My Ride

Mom and Dad bought me a new seat for the car since I have finally grown out of my infant seat. I am over 20 lbs now and just too big for the little girls seat. I just love the arm rests - I can't take my hands off of them.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Vaccines and Autism - 2 Sides of the Coin

Here are two sides to the ongoing debate about the preservative thimerosal being linked to casuing autism.

One side of the coin:

US Government Concedes that Mercury Causes Autism

The other side of the coin:

Study Finds Vaccine Preservative Is Not Linked to Risks of Autism

Videocast on the above study from the Museum of Science, Boston.

And then here is the cake topper...Mercury is good for kids!

We'll let you make the call...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Bring Your Friend to Class Day

Sunday we had our 6th Baby Sign Language class and it was bring your friend to class week. So I called 2 of my good buddies Caden and Izzy and invited them over for class and dinner. Dad cooked Lasagna for the adults and a pot of black beans for us. I guess he was trying to get us loaded up on gas for the week seeing as to how shortly after my bean dinner I blew my britches out!! We are trying to get more protein and iron into my diet so beans cooked in the cast iron skillet should do the trick.

Yesterday's class looked at the signs for play. We learned about 10 new signs and a new song about bubbles! I am so glad everyone came over and that we all had a chance to play, sign and chew on the same toys! I look forward to many more play days in the future with my friends!

ps...I was pitching forward in the shot above and nearly fell out. You can see Mom coming in for the rescue...Thanks Mom!!!

My posse: Izzy (L) and Caden (R)
